

Today is a day of reflection.  A time to give thanks for the many blessings and people that have impacted our lives.  As I get older, I think about the people in my life who have had a significant impact in my life over the years.  This year I chose to reflect on some of those people.  There are many others I could think of, but these individuals came to my mind as I was writing this.

The first is the biggest impact on my life and that is my wife Beth.  Beth has been my cheerleader, supporter, and greatest champion in my life.  She has given me hope when I have been down, encouragement when I needed a champion, forgiveness when I have screwed up and unconditional love each day!  She is the reason behind every success I have achieved throughout my life!

The next person who came to mind was my father-in-law John Sahlin.  John modeled for me what it means to be a sacrificial father and husband.  He models the life of a servant and I learned that the role of a father and husband is to provide and serve.

Next is Greg Duppler.  Greg was one of my first bosses at Target.  He gave me my first career opportunity and made a huge impact as I developed in my career at Target.  He gave me exposure to senior management and allowed me the freedom to explore new ideas.  He promoted me and laid the foundation for my financial success over the years.

The second leader from Target that had a big influence on me was Fred Argir.  Fred brought out the leadership and vision in me.  He was a big thinker, and we spent a lot of time dreaming about what was possible and how we could work together to accomplish it.  He believed in me and was instrumental in my career move into Information Technology and team leadership.

Next was Scott Anderson from Eagle Brook Church.  Scott was my boss for 4 ½ years.  He helped me to move from corporate leadership to ministry.  He was always honest and direct and gave me the hard feedback when I needed it, but never lost his trust in my ability to learn and grow.  He modeled servant leadership and taught me how to learn how to impact others in a positive way.

Also from my time at Eagle Brook Church is Byron Emmert.  Byron was a peer at Eagle Brook Church for 4+ years.  Byron is such an awesome coach and inspirational leader.   He was always there when I needed someone to encourage me.  He knew how to listen and provide the right words of wisdom you needed when you are down.

Last on the List is Kiril Abazher.  Kiril is a friend from Ukraine.  We met 5+ years ago at a meeting at church when he was visiting with a group of leaders from New Life Church in Ukraine.  We made an instant connection and have been friends since.  Kiril was a key impact in my life when I was going through a job transition.  He believed in me and pointed me towards the future potential I had.  Kiril is one of those people who never allows “No, or you can’t” get in his way.  His friendship and support have been so important to me and what we are doing today with Potential Endeavors.

These individuals are just some of the people who have impacted me over the years.  As I think of them, I wonder if I have ever thanked them for the impact they made on my life.  Sharing this document is one way of acknowledging them, but I should also send a note to thank them personally.

Who are the people that have made an impact on your life?  Have you told them how you feel about them?  Do not wait! You never know what the future holds!

One reply on “Impact”

Morning Rick,
Thanks for your kind and loving words about me. They have meant more to me than you’ll ever realize. You have been a model son-in-law to me. What a joy for me to watch you love and provide for your family down thru the years. My prayer for Beth before she got married was that she would find just the right person to marry. And you, Rick, was the answer to that prayer! I love you, Rick, and thanks again for sharing with me this morning.

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