
God’s Confirmation Follows Your Obedience

“God’s confirmation follows your obedience” – Steven Furtick

Have you ever read a tweet or seen a post on facebook that just hits you? You know that there is something in it that you need to do something with, but you don’t know what it is! That is what this tweet from Steven Furtick has done to me this past week! Here is what I have been processing to help explain why this has impacted me so.

I want to hear God’s confirmation before I will take action!

It is so much easier to move forward when you receive God’s confirmation, but it removes the element of trust and faith. I can say I want to follow God’s calling for me, but if I am unwilling to take a step of faith and show my trust, do I really believe? This is the case for us. We have not received our 501c3 approval from the IRS that will establish Potential Endeavors as an organization that can receive tax deductible donations, but God is telling us to move forward with ministry plans for the next year. It would be so much easier if we knew we could receive donations to help cover our costs, but still we have no confirmation. We know we should move forward and trust that God will provide.

Taking steps of faith before confirmation is scary

It is so much easier to take action when you have a clear confirmation and have received money to pay expenses. It is scary to trust God and that He will provide when we need it. Of course, I know that God is in control and He promises to give us what we need, but my human nature has a hard time not being a little scared to spend and trust.

What if I am wrong?

My mind can always get in the way of my faith. I over think things all the time. Even though we have clearly heard God’s direction for our lives and He has opened doors for ministry, I can still have doubts. What if our 501c3 is denied? What would we do if we do not get approval? Even to these doubts God provides answers. This week I was sharing our ministry plans with a friend. I shared about these doubts and what if scenarios. His response was: “If you do not get approval, I know of other organization that you could partner with that would allow you to receive donations for your ministry.” Why do I have doubts when God speaks so very clearly?

What is confirmation? How is it different than following God direction?

This gets back to the original tweet. In reality God just wants my obedience to follow Him and do His work. He has shown us the opportunities where we can be involved, He has opened the doors and now it is up to us to walk through them. We must show our faith by trusting and believing! When we do our part, I believe that God will provide His confirmation in a way that enables Him to be glorified and not our actions.

Some questions for you as you read this today:

  • Where does God want you to show your obedience?
  • What confirmation are you waiting for before you take a step of faith?
  • What doubts do you need to let go of?

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